Monday, July 27, 2009

practicing painting clouds

i've had fun playing with photoshop. i've started painting with it. i'm practicing my clouds now, for a painting i'm working on.


  1. Woah, nice clouds! they are so fluffy! I could just eat them up!

  2. lovely clouds ms. hillary bradfield!

  3. Hello, you might remember be from ihop. Haha. Thanks for the url, now that I have a camera I should get some stuff on here before long. I'll either put them on my xanga or I'll get an account here, who knows. Point is, it will be somewhere and I'll have a url for you as well. It's always nice to meet people who share your interests! Nice clouds, I have photoshop but I haven't taken any digital design classes yet and wouldn't have any idea how to do stuff like that, so I've stuck with oils. Haha. I did get a bamboo tablet though, so we'll see at some point in the future. Nice to meet you guys again!

  4. Hill-Dog, you got some awesome skills! Love the clouds.

  5. thanks amy from ihop!
    good luck at school! I'm pretty new to the whole digital painting thing too:P oils are awesome though! many thanks for the compliments! let me know when you get a site up with your work!:)

    thanks sabrina!!!! it's been so exciting seeing your paintings! so cool!

    kevin...or should i say...frodo!!!! haha! did mikey put you up to this name calling? lol

  6. lovely! absolutely lovely my dear! :o)
